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99银河|国产大飞机首飞在即 C919完成首次高速滑行

作者:99银河时间:2024-10-01 00:05 次浏览


China-developed commercial airliner C919 has edged a step closer to takeoff after the planes developer put it through the fir...

本文摘要:China-developed commercial airliner C919 has edged a step closer to takeoff after the planes developer put it through the first high-speed taxi test last Sunday morning at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.上周日上午,我国自律研发的商用客机C919的开发者在上海浦东国际机场对其展开了首次高速减速测试,C919距离试飞又将近了一步。

China-developed commercial airliner C919 has edged a step closer to takeoff after the planes developer put it through the first high-speed taxi test last Sunday morning at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.上周日上午,我国自律研发的商用客机C919的开发者在上海浦东国际机场对其展开了首次高速减速测试,C919距离试飞又将近了一步。The test started at 8:00 am and lasted for three hours.测试于上午8时开始,持续了3个小时。

The plane reached a top speed of about 248 km per hour, approaching the speed required for takeoff and landing.C919的最低时速约248公里左右,相似民航机所须要速度。C919s developer, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, is expected to launch a test flight of the aircraft in the first half of this year.C919由中国商飞研发,该公司预计将于今年上半年展开C919的首飞。The C919, designed to accommodate over 150 passengers, is a narrow-body plane. Its main rivals on the market will include Airbus 320 and Boeing 737.C919是较宽体飞机,设计载客量在150人以上,在市场上的主要竞争机型还包括空客320和波音737。The COMAC also plans to start developing wide-body aircraft in 2017.此外,中国商飞公司还计划在2017年开始研发公务机飞机。




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